Hi and thanks for visiting our web site. We are Debbie and Zane Riggsby and we are the owners of . We purchased the company in October 2013 from the original owner, Emma Howerton, who along with her son, designed these unique gloves after he was injured in 1996. We are a family run business that takes great pride in the workmanship of our product as well as providing dedicated customer service. We have a true desire to help make life easier for those with disabilities and help them become as independent as possible and we believe these gloves can play a significant role in accomplishing both of those goals. It’s in the name,
—they help you get back into life!
I received my first pair of during my rehab stay at The Shepherd Center in Atlanta following a spinal cord injury in 2008 that left me a C6/C7 complete quadriplegic. Although my first thoughts about the gloves were something along the lines of—what in the world are you thinking (referring to my therapist) wanting me to wear these crazy things on my already awkward, uncooperative hands??? I quickly came to realize that these gloves could provide me something that my hands no longer could—“grip”. They enabled me to easily maneuver my wheelchair, they made transfers more stable, aided in dressing and proved to be helpful in other daily tasks because when your fingers don't work you get creative! I tried similar products in the beginning wanting to make sure I wasn’t missing out on something better but for me
was the clear choice and I became a faithful customer. These gloves play such an important role in my independence that when the opportunity to purchase the business was offered it was an easy decision for us both!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Wishing you all the best!
Debbie and Zane Riggsby